DLL Производители
- TeamViewer GmbH
- Techland
- TechnoTrend AG
- TechSmith Corporation
- Tekom Technologies, Inc.
- Tektronix
- Teleca Software Solutions AB
- Telechips Inc.
- Tencent
- Tenebril Incorporated
- Terr, LLC
- Terra Informatica Software, Inc.
- Terran Interactive
- Terratec Electronic GmbH
- Teruten Inc.
- Testbed
- Tetradyne Software Inc.
- Texas Instruments
- TEXTware
- Textware Solutions
- The Apache Software Foundation
- The BLT Special Interest Group
- The Chromium Authors company
- The cURL library,
- The Duck Corporation
- The Gator Corporation
- The Genghis Group
- The GLib developer community
- The GTK developer community
- The ICU Project
- The jTDS Project
- The KMPlayer SecondEdition IconPack 48
- The libsigc++ development team (see AUTHORS)
- The libssh2 library,
- The libwpd developer community
- The libwpg developer community
- The MathWorks
- The OpenSSL Project
- The PHP Group
- The Public
- The University of New South Wales
- The Wolf
- ThinPrint AG
- Thomas G. Lane
- Thomas Kabir
- Thomson Consumer Electronics
- Thong Nguyen
- Thought Communications, Inc.
- THQ Canada Inc.
- Three D Graphics Inc.
- Thrustmaster
- Tiger Jet Network, Inc.
- Time Information Services Ltd.
- TinyTcl
- TMM Com Clone Control Module
- ToMMTi-Systems
- Tonec Inc.
- Toon Boom Technologies Inc.
- TopLang Software
- TortoiseHg Project
- TOSHIBA Corporation
- Tracker Software
- Trados Ireland Ltd.
- Transaction Technology
- Transend Corporation
- Trend Micro Inc.
- TRIACOM Software GmbH
- Trianti Aldo
- Trident Microsystems Inc.
- TrilogyI
- TrilogyII
- TrilogyIII
- Trinigy GmbH
- Trolltech AS
- Tseng Labs Inc.
- TSLV Module
- TTR Technologies Ltd.
- Tugsoft, Inc.
- TVU networks
- TweakBit
- Two Pilots
- U.S. Robotics Corporation
- U3
- UA StatsMe Team
- UB Video Inc.
- Ubisoft
- Ufasoft
- Ulead Systems
- ULi Electronics Inc.
- ULTImate technology BV
- Ultimatte Corp.
- Umbra Software Ltd.
- Un4seen Developments